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Bacon will never go out of style.

February 1, 2011

Last week when I was visiting a doctor’s office I got the chance to read one of my favorite magazines- New York Magazine.  And, lucky me, this issue was on my favorite subject- food.

But, to my dismay I learned some bad news; Bacon is on its way out.  Apparently the trend of bacon peaked in 2010 and 2011 is going to be the year of sandwiches.  For the sake of being argumentative, I’ve never had a sandwich that wasn’t made better with the addition of bacon.

I had some serious trouble handling this news, especially since I just found a bacon that practically makes me feel healthy eating it.  So, it was with great pleasure that I found 23 Ways to Love Bacon on Sunset magazine online today.

Here are some of my favorite ways of lovin’ that they included:

Coffee Brown Sugar Bacon

Three of my favorite things in the morning, all together.  Amazing.

Bacon Beef Chili

It’s snowing. Again.  I think I have had chili three times this week and it’s Tuesday.  It has warmed my bones but it hasn’t had bacon.  Yet!

Bacon Deviled Eggs

I have never thought about putting bacon in deviled eggs.  But this looks amazing.  And deviled eggs are quintessential summer picnic food, so it gives me something to look forward to when all of this snow melts.  Unfortunately, Ian doesn’t like deviled eggs.  More for me!

Photos Courtesy of Sunset Magazine


2 Comments leave one →
  1. theyoungwife permalink
    February 1, 2011 6:00 pm

    I won’t lie. I found this post because of the word bacon. My fiancee is convinced that a pack of bacon is a meal. How do you feel about such a bold statement?

    • February 1, 2011 7:02 pm

      Well, I would have to say that I have wanted to eat a whole pack of bacon in one sitting, but I don’t think pancakes or burgers haven’t been in the mix. Your fiancee wins the bacon award by far, congratulations!

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